An initiative designed to equip people for discipleship and deepen their understanding of their own faith.

The Come&C initiative has been growing in Dublin & Glendalough since 2014. It is designed to equip people for discipleship and deepen their understanding of their own faith. Come&C is centred around the Five Marks of Mission of the Anglican Communion which have been distilled to the Five Ts:
- TELL – To proclaim God’s Kingdom
- TEACH – To teach, baptise and nurture
- TEND – To respond to human need
- TRANSFORM – To transform unjust structures
- TREASURE – To safeguard creation.
The initiative has a number of strands. From 2015 to 2017 a series of Songs of Praise type events were held in locations around Dublin and Glendalough – in Castleknock, Tallaght, Contarf, DCU’s Inter Faith Centre, Dun Laoghaire and Greystones. Each service focused on one of the Five Marks of Mission of the Anglican Communion but also bore the hallmark of the host location.
In November 2016 the Camino of Glendalough was launched. Individuals and groups may undertake the walk, which follows the ancient St Kevin’s Way from St Kevin’s Church in Hollywood to Glendalough, in full or in part. A booklet has been prepared which offers participants points of reflection to consider while walking a selection of routes in and around Glendalough in the Wicklow Mountains. It can be downloaded here.
The Come&C 5 Marks Challenge Discipleship Programme is also up and running and open to all to take part. A Confirmation programme based on Come&C has also been devised and is being piloted.
The initiative is also spreading overseas and is being implemented in the Anglican dioceses of Spain and Lusitania, whose foundations lie in Dublin & Glendalough, as well as in the Diocese of Jerusalem, with whom this dioceses has a friendship link.
The original Come&C Report which gave rise to the Come&C Project can be downloaded by CLICKING HERE. It contains analysis of the material contributed by parishes the length and breadth of the dioceses in response to the Vision and Mission Survey initiated by Archbishop Michael Jackson in the spring of 2014.