The Diocese
Located on the east coast of Ireland, the United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough is one of 11 dioceses of the Church of Ireland. The dioceses encompass both urban and rural areas in Dublin, Wicklow and part of Kildare and this is reflected in the broad range of parishes and worshiping communities.

In the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough there are 56 cures, two Cathedrals, Christ Church Cathedral and St Patrick’s Cathedral (the National Cathedral of the Church of Ireland), and 78 parishes with 105 active churches. There are 64 stipendiary clergy, 27 other licensed clergy and 6 curates giving a total of 96 licenced clergy and four intern deacons for these United Dioceses and 52 licensed Lay Ministry/Readership. The Diocesan Synods is the overall administration of the dioceses under the Archbishop which meets once a year.
The culture and context of life in Dublin has profoundly changed in the last few decades in people’s practice and approach to faith – the gap between those attending church and those who believe in God has grown significantly and new ways of sharing the gospel in word and deed are required.
We recognise and affirm that there is great richness in the existing ministry provision, pastoral care, present liturgies and worship of the Church of Ireland – new forms of ministry and engagement may sit alongside and enhance what is already valued. We value all the expressions that exist amongst us.
We share the call to bring the good news to the world around us with other Christian denominations and churches throughout the United Dioceses – we want our approach to mission to continue the growth and warmth of those relationships. Jesus’s ministry emphasizes a particular care and concern for those at the margins of society – we desire our approaches to reflect His focus.