
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough




To see all church communities in Dublin & Glendalough full of young people who are actively developing and growing in their faith in God.


Dublin & Glendalough Youth Council (DGYC) was established in 2014 to oversee Youth Ministry in the United Dioceses.

The council is a mixture of clergy and lay representatives from around the Dioceses, whose role is to support and encourage youth ministry. The chairperson is the Revd Alan Breen.

Dublin & Glendalough’s Youth Ministry Development Officer is Emma Fawcett. The post of Youth Ministry Development Officer focuses particularly on enabling young people to grow in their Christian faith within their local parish context. To that end, Emma seeks to support those who are working with youth in parishes as well as supporting new developments.

Pre–Confirmation Session.  

This is a 2 hour session with your confirmation candidates where we play games, build team work and really discuss the promises they will be making and how it plays out in their lives.  This can be done with a single parish or is can be done with another.  We do ask clergy and any volunteers to be present to ensure the correct supervision ratios.

Volunteer Training.

There are so many people who volunteer regularly to make sure youth work can happen in parishes.  If you would like any training; whether it be how to organise a youth night, games ideas, learning how to do a talk etc, then Emma is more than happy to come alongside you and help.


For more information you can contact Emma

Find out more about DGYC:


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Devolved funding is available for youth ministry and operates on a Rural Deanery basis, or within clusters of parishes.



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