Ministry of Healing
The Church’s Ministry of Healing identify themselves as being on a journey and part of God’s pilgrim people, specifically, indentifying with three elements.

Mission Action Plan
The Church’s Ministry of Healing identify themselves as being on a journey and part of God’s pilgrim people, specifically, indentifying with three elements.
- Companionship with God
- Companionship with each other
- Companionship with those we meet along the way.
- Companionship with God – Worship and Prayer
We value:
- Encouraging regular personal prayer.
- Coming together to explore silence as a meeting place with god.
- Services of worship with particular emphasis on healing.
- God’s Love.
- Gods Mercy.
- Gods Promises.
We wish to develop:
- The concept of meeting God in prayer.
- The concept that by being mindful of our thoughts and feelings we can bring them into prayer, receive healing and find ourselves changed, being gently led by God into fullness of life. Also to share this with others.
- A better understanding of God’s Love and Mercy
- An ability to listen and speak with God
- An ability to understand God’s response to wars, sickness, and traumatic events.
- The Healing Ministry within the context of the modern church.
Companionship with Each Other
We value:
- Working together as a team on behalf of Church’s Ministry of Healing, seeking to co–operate with one another.
- Love, Prayer, Trust, Transparency, Respect and Understanding.
- Working together to the Praise and Glory of God.
We wish to develop:
- A sense of working together, supporting one another, enjoying each other’s company.
- Love, Prayer, Trust, Respect and Understanding.
- Working together to the Praise and Glory of God.
- We want to offer support to parish as they explore the various aspects of the Healing Ministry in their own unique situation.
Companionship with those we meet along the way
We value:
- Meeting people on behalf of Church’s Ministry of Healing, standing alongside people in prayer, offering people the opportunity to feel they have been heard – when I know I have been heard by you I can believe God has heard me too. God reaches out to us through one another.
- Fostering relationship with God, giving people the opportunity to engage in dialogue to explore that relationship.
- The opportunities presented.
- The dignity and the vulnerability of each human being.
- The image of God in each person.
We wish to develop:
- Leading people into quiet spaces where they may more readily engage with God.
- ‘Perfect Love casts out fear’. There is a lot of fear and anxiety in society. There are ways in healer prayer to help to alleviate fear, we wish to help people discover various forms of prayer and thereby deepen their experience of God.
- ‘Healing has the potential of the eternal’. How can we help people to connect with this for themselves, and in doing so discover their true selves?
- Trust, Love, Understanding, Respect, and the ability to see and use opportunities for Gods work here on earth.
- Listening and been heard and a greater sensitivity to peoples vulnerability.