CORE Climbers Open New School in Kitandwe
Two congregents from Dublin's CORE Church recently opened a new school in Kitandwe, Uganda with money raised from their 2008 climb of four major world peaks. Graham Kinch and Ian Taylor raised €60,000 through the Fields of Life Charity by climbing Mount Blanc, Kilimanjaro, Cerro Aconcagua and Mount Everest. In recognition of their part in raising money for the new school, it has been named Mount Everest Primary School.
The school consists of two blocks totalling 7 classrooms and an office, toilet facilities and a bore-hole pump supplying water to over 600 villagers. The school will also double-up as multi-purpose community building.
An appropriate support structure e.g. a Board of Management, trained teachers, a Principal, a PTA, official curricula etc. is already in place, ensuring this investment will be fully and effectively utilised. The school has first to sixth classes in session (about 250 pupils), and next year they will start a seventh class.
Having achieved their objective of contributing to the building of the new school, Graham and Ian are now working to promote child sponsorship to help keep it running.
Child sponsorship costs €18 per month and sponsors receive letters from the child periodically as well as updated photos. Fields of Life will send the funds directly (via the Child Co-ordinator in Kampala) to Mt Everest Primary School. Sponsored children receive school books, stationary, uniforms, school fees as well as a present at Christmas time that benefits the whole family e.g. a kerosene lamp.
“When we were in Kitandwe, Ian and I had the great pleasure of meeting our sponsored children” said Kinch. “It’s really encouraging to see them so excited and passionate about their education and we feel the name of the school captures their enthusiastic aspirations perfectly. The Fields of Life Child Sponsorship Co-ordinator in Kampala has identified 20 children, many of them orphans that are in need of sponsorship. Our aim is to have sponsors for all 20 of them by the end of April.”
“We would like to acknowledge the huge support we have received for this project over the last 18 months” said Taylor, “and offer our sincere thanks for the continued support for this inspiring initiative.”
If you are interested in the Mt Everest Primary School, Kitandwe Child Sponsorship Programme please email your contact details to info@everest2008.ie