
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Shave Tuesday Ordinands Present Cheque to USPG Ireland

Students from the Church of Ireland Theological Institute presented a cheque for €3500 to USPG Ireland (the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel) recently, the initial proceeds raised through their Lenten Head Shave for the Mission Agency. The cheque was accepted on behalf of the agency by its patron, the Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Revd Dr John Neill.

"Donations are still coming in" according to Patrick Burke, a final year ordinand in the Institute. "We're very grateful to all those who have contributed and given support over the Lenten and Easter period and we would urge people to send in those final donations so we can make a real difference in a place in the world crippled by AIDS, Malaria and TB" he added.

The proceeds of the head shave is going toward St Francis Hospital in Zambia, a Church run hospital which is the only source of healthcare for the large rural population in the eastern part of the country.

Donations may be sent to: ‘Head Shave’, Church of Ireland Theological Institute, Braemor Park, D14. Contact Patrick Burke at

Archbishop Receives Cheque for USPG Ireland
Archbishop Receives Cheque for USPG Ireland

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