
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Vacancy: Youth and Lay Pastoral Assistant in Clontarf Parish

Youth and Lay Pastoral Assistant - Clontarf Parish
Serving the whole community

Clontarf Parish Church
Clontarf Parish Church

In Clontarf we value, encourage and actively work to serve God and each other through discipleship and worship. We seek to become a vibrant Church, with Christ at our centre.

We are excited at the opportunity to appoint a Youth and Lay Pastoral assistant, as a colleague in ministry, to help us sustain and strengthen our Parish Vision. The role would also include working with all ages in our Parish.

We are seeking:
A person who is experienced and passionate about Youth and Parish Work.

A people-focussed individual with strength in communication.

Someone with an understanding of the issues affecting youth today, with the ability to engage with them in a loving way.

who will continue the development of a clear strategy for all our successful / established youth groups and young people (4-18yrs)

A listener who will assist the Parish in discerning and providing imaginative and innovative responses to emerging Parish Needs amongst the Adult Parishioners.

This appointment shall initially be for a period of 1 year, full time.

The closing date for applications is 15th of July, 2009.
For an application form and further details, clearly marking envelope YLPA:

The Rev’d. Derek C. Sargent, 15 Seafield Road West, Clontarf, D. 3.


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