
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



’Ordinary Faith, Ordinary Science’ Lecture

Christians in Science Ireland have announced a lecture by 1997 Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dr Bill Phillips. The lecture, entitled ‘Ordinary Faith, Ordinary Science’ takes place on Thursday March 29 in The Theatre, The Helix, Dublin City University, at 6.30 pm.

Admission will be free, but registration is necessary, and places will be allocated on a first–come–first–served basis. A link to the registration page will be provided shortly at

Lecture Abstract:

“Many scientists are also people with quite conventional religious faith. I, a physicist, am one example. This talk explores the nature of my beliefs, and the relationship between my science and my faith. I compare my religious and scientific understanding. While, for me, science and religion differ in many respects (e.g. verifiability and falsifiability of claims), they also have common features (e.g. conclusions based on received knowledge, experience, and reason). I believe in God both as the source of all the wonderful features of the universe and as a personal, interacting friend. I speculate about how scientific understanding relates to these beliefs, and about how God interacts with a world in which the immutability of physics law appears to be a hallmark of God s faithfulness. I consider some issues that are particularly troublesome to a Christian: why is there suffering if God is good? What about all the good people who are on a different path of faith than Christianity?”

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