
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Summer 2012 Issue of SEARCH Out Now

The Summer 2012 issue of ‘SEARCH – A Church of Ireland Journal’ is out now. The latest edition contains an article by the Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson, on common baptism which enables Christians to share together in worship and witness. The publication is timely as the Archbishop is presiding at the Liturgy of Word and Water on the opening day of the International Eucharistic Congress in the RDS in Dublin on Monday next, June 11, and will speak on the subject of baptism.

The summer issue of SEARCH also addresses the issue of human sexuality in the context of Christian faith with three articles deriving from the Bishops’ Conference on Human Sexuality held in Cavan in March. The articles, by Stephen Farrell, Doug Baker and Bishop Gregory Cameron cover legal, discussion process and ecclesiological issues.  

The continuing series on Approaches to the Bible features an arresting article by Jerusha McCormack, whose recent work at Beijing’s Foreign Studies University has led her to ponder the difficulties of inter–cultural communication, particularly as related to religion.

There is also an article by the Dean of Lismore on the ministry of a country cathedral to its visitors and an intriguing essay in Irish clerical family history. A full selection of book reviews concludes the issue.

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