RSCM Instant Evensong – Just Add Choristers
The Royal School of Church Music in Ireland is organising an Instant Evensong in conjunction with the grouped parishes of Sandford and St Philip’s, Milltown. The event takes place in Sandford Church in Ranelagh on Sunday June 20 from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm.
The event is aimed at anyone who would like to sing Evensong but who may not have done so before (or recently). It is open to choirs, congregations and clergy and will provide simple, accessible musical resources. There will be a service at 5.00 pm to put the theory into practice.
Music for the day may be obtained in advance by email. Anyone interested in taking part should complete the application form and return it by Wednesday June 26.
Participation in the event is free but there will be a retiring collection which will go towards the costs of running it.