
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



New Resource Focusing on the ‘Jesus Agenda’ Launched in Dublin

A new resource which aims to help Christians explore how to become advocates for the world’s poor and vulnerable was launched in Dublin this morning. The Jesus Agenda was launched by the international director of the Micah Challenge, the Revd Dr Joel Edwards. The launch was hosted by Christian Aid in St Catherine’s Church, Thomas Street. 

Jesus Agenda
Jesus Agenda

The Jesus Agenda is a film–based, nine week course that follows Joel Edwards on a journey across four continents – through Lima, Lagos, Washington, New York and London. Through interviews and case studies it explores how Luke 4, sometimes known as the Nazareth Manifesto, is shaping and challenging individuals, churches and organisations today.

An accompanying study guide designed for small groups, seminars or individual study provides space to re–examine the Jesus agenda of Luke 4 and re–apply it to the world we live in today. Groups can explore how the good news of the gospel and the liberating power of the Spirit should lead 21st century Christians to become advocates of the poor and vulnerable. 

The resource is produced in partnership with Christian Aid, Compassion and the Micah Challenge. The Revd Dr Joel Edwards, previously General Director of the Evangelical Alliance UK, is the International Director of Micah Challenge.

The Micah Challenge was set up at by a group of people who felt it was important for Christians around the world to engage with the UN’s eight Millennium Development Goals which range from halving extreme poverty rates to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education. The target date for these goals being achieved is 2015.

Dr Edwards said they had been working with a number of organisations, like Christian Aid, to see how churches could respond to extreme poverty. “We want to ask how we today inhabit the words of Jesus – His manifesto, His agenda,” he said. “We took a number of trips to four different continents and talked to theologians and practitioners to ask the question: how do we inhabit the prophetic word of Jesus in terms of advocacy and speaking up for the marginalised and the poor? And so the Jesus Agenda was born.”

The three part presentation has three themes: proclamation, power and promise. The film can be watched in three sessions or further broken down into nine sessions.

For further information and to order the Jesus Agenda see:

Photo caption: The Revd Dr Joel Edwards (centre) is pictured with Peter Byrne of Christian Aid and the Revd Craig Cooney, rector of St Catherine’s.


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