Young Adults Foundation in Leadership Course
The Young Adults Ministry of the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough and the Office for Evangelisation and Ecumenism of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin have been working together to develop a new ecumenical training program for young adults who wish to train and learn how to be active faith leaders in their communities and churches.
The course will be launched in October and commences in November 2014. It will be ideal for young adults who wish to assume an active and intentional role in their local parishes.
Parishes can nominate young adults to take part in the year long course which aims to equip them to lead effectively in their church, aid spiritual exploration, work with volunteers and serve their local community.
Places will be limited. The course prospectus can be emailed to anyone interested. To find out more email g.fromholz@gmail.com.
Pictured is Greg Fromholz who heads up Dublin and Glendalough’s Young Adults Ministry.