
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Archbishop Thanks All Who Have Contributed to Gaza Appeal

I should like to thank each and every one of you for the significant commitment to the advent Gaza initiative from Dublin and Glendalough which you and your friends have shown.

Al Ahli Hospital
Al Ahli Hospital

This initiative indeed had humble beginnings. Through the inventiveness and generosity of individuals, schools, parishes and communities it has realized a significant outcome and for this I wish to thank all of you.

Every contribution has enhanced the capacity to offer support and dignity of all of those who live in the hope of giving active support for the future to the lives of the people of Gaza. The outreach and the embrace of the Al Ahli Arab Hospital is non–political and is offered to everyone irrespective of faith or status in the society. 

I should like to thank you once again for the significant and generous way in which you have advanced this cause of human dignity through the recognition of the image and the likeness of God in the face of our neighbours.

Yours sincerely,  


Dublin and Glendalough  

[Donations can still be made to Dublin and Glendalough’s ‘Prepare A Place’ Appeal for Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza via Bishops’ Appeal either by using envelopes which are available in all parish churches or by electronic transfer to IBAN: IE31BOFI90001749839499 BIC: BOFIIE2D. Cheques may be sent to Bishops’ Appeal, Church of Ireland House, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6.

The funds raised will buy solar panels to ensure a constant electricity supply for the hospital and go towards improving on–call facilities for staff.]

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