
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



‘fleshandblood Ireland’ Campaign to be Launched in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin

The ‘fleshandblood Ireland’ Campaign will be launched by the two Archbishops of Armagh, the Most Revd Dr Richard Clarke and the Most Revd Eamon Martin, in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, on Friday 6 March 2015 at 4.00 pm. 


Friday’s launch marks the culmination of a week of activity for the campaign which aims to mobilise churches to increase the number of blood and organ donors throughout the island. It was launched in Northern Ireland on Monday and is the first cross border partnership between churches and health services. fleshandblood will see congregations and parishes being encouraged to see blood and organ donation as part of their giving.

Hosted by the Dean of St Patrick’s Cathedral, the Very Revd Victor Stacey, Friday’s gathering will include Archbishop Richard Clarke, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh; Archbishop Eamon Martin, Catholic Archbishop of Armagh; senior Church leaders; representatives of health boards; and people personally affected by blood and organ donation. The launch will be followed at 5.30 pm by a Service of Choral Evensong in the cathedral. 

In Northern Ireland and the Republic, around 800 people are currently waiting for an organ transplant with 96,000 people receiving blood transfusions every year.  According to the Irish Blood Transfusion Board only 3% of the Irish population gives blood.  3,000 blood donors are needed each week in Ireland, while one in four people will need a blood transfusion at some point in their lives.  Over 1,000 Irish people receive transfusions every week in Ireland. Approximately 70,000 patients will have transfusions in Irish hospitals this year. A unit of blood lasts for just 35 days. There are currently 650 patients awaiting transplantation. One donor can potentially help nine other people.

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