
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Vigil for Peace in Christ Church Cathedral

A day of prayer for peace and those caught up in the refugee crisis in Europe will take place in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, on Thursday October 8 from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm. The Vigil for Peace has been organised by the Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland in response to the spiraling humanitarian crisis. 


The day will begin with Morning Prayer and conclude with Choral Evensong. Throughout the day there will be prayerful reflection from various contributors. People will be welcome to light a candle and say a prayer at any time during the day.

Ministry Facilitator, Dr Iva Baranek, explains: “The refugee crisis in Europe has escalated to a very worrying degree that we can no longer ignore it. Many of us were at a loss when thinking how to respond. Recently we encouraged everyone to pray for the refugees, trusting that our prayer is effective even when we do not know its direct fruit. In this way we welcome people in need into our hearts, as we offer their need to God in prayer. The Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland was looking for ways to further our call to prayer and so we decided to organise a Vigil for Peace. We would like to invite you all to join us”. 

The schedule for the vigil is as follows:

10.00 Morning Prayer

11.00 Linda Chambers from the United Society

12.00 Carmelite Friars (OCD) from Clarendon Street

12.45 The Eucharist with prayers for healing. The celebrant is the Very Rev Dermot Dunne, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral

14.00 Lydia Monds from the Bishops’ Appeal

15.00 To be confirmed

16.00 Church’s Ministry of Healing: Ireland

17.00 To be confirmed

18.00 Choral Evensong

There will be opportunity to donate to the Bishops’ Appeal at the vigil. Donations will continue to be directed to the needs of 12.2 million people in Syria and 4 million refugees in neighbouring Iraq and Lebanon as well as to NGOs and community initiatives responding to the needs in EU countries.

All are welcome to attend.


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