Dublin & Glendalough Mark 800 Years Together – Week of Events in Christ Church Cathedral
Dublin & Glendalough mark 800 years as United Dioceses this year and this Sunday, November 13, a week of celebrations surrounding the feast day of St Laurence O’Toole will begin in Christ Church Cathedral. Events include the world premier of a specially commissioned anthem and the first performance of two new hymns along with free public lectures and an exhibition.

The events are inspired by the feast of St Laurence O’Toole, Abbot of Glendalough and Archbishop of Dublin, who played such an important part reforming Christ Church. Music at all the services during this week will have a distinct Laurencetide flavour, starting with Ecumenical Evensong on the eve of the feast, Sunday November 13, and culminating in Diocesan Evensong on Sunday November 20.
This Sunday, November 13, Christ Church Cathedral Choir will perform the world premiere of a new commission celebrating St Laurence O’Toole marking D&G 800. The new anthem has been composed for this service by the English composer, David Bednall, who has a growing reputation as one of Britain’s finest composers. Two newly commissioned hymns, celebrating St Laurence O’Toole, will also receive their first performance. The hymn texts, which have been translated and versified by Canon Dr John Bartlett for this service, come from the 13th century Vita of St Laurence O’Toole.
The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Revd Diarmuid Martin, will give the address at this service which will be sung by the combined Choirs of Christ Church Cathedral and the Palestrina Choir as a symbol of a shared desire for Christian unity. The service will be celebrated by the cathedral’s Dean, the Very Revd Dermot Dunne, who will read a message from the Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson. He will be in Amman preaching at the Ordination of Priests in the Diocese of Jerusalem as part of Dublin & Glendalough’s Jerusalem Link. He will also attend the Diocesan Synod of Jerusalem where he will address members on Dublin & Glendalough’s Come&C programme.
On Sunday November 20 the Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson, will preside and preach at Evensong which will be sung by members of parish choirs from all over Dublin & Glendalough.
A series of lunchtime lectures about the early history of the cathedral and the United Dioceses will run throughout the week. A small exhibition about St Laurence will also be on display and the cathedral will launch their special free celebration tour and workshop programme for diocesan schools.
The programme for the week is as follows:
Sunday 13 November
3.30 pm – Ecumenical Evensong sung by the choirs of Christ Church and The Palestrina Choir. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin will preach.
Monday 14 November
Opening of St Laurence O’Toole exhibition in Musician’s Corner (running all week)
Launch of free D&G800 ‘Monks’ Tour’ of the cathedral and special workshops for all diocesan schools (these will run on a rolling schedule over the next few months and all diocesan schools will receive an invitation to join in)
1.30pm – Laurencetide lunchtime lecture – Seán Duffy on Hiberno–Norse perspectives on the union of the dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough.
Tuesday 15 November
6.00 pm – Compline sung by a Consort of Lay Vicars Choral and Choral Scholars
Wednesday 16 November
1.30 pm – Laurencetide lunchtime lecture – Michael O’Neill on the Cathedrals of Dublin c1216.
6.00 pm – Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Girls’ Choir
Thursday 17 November
1.30 pm – Laurencetide lunchtime lecture – Rachel Moss on the Churches of Glendalough c1216.
6.00 pm – Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir
Friday 18 November
1.30 pm – Laurencetide lunchtime lecture – Adrian Empey on Anglo–Norman perspectives on the union of the dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough.
Saturday 19 November
5.00 pm – Compline sung by the Cathedral Choir
Sunday 20 November
11.00 am – The Cathedral Eucharist sung by the Cathedral Choir
3.30 pm – Diocesan Evensong – with the parish choirs of the Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough. Archbishop Michael Jackson will officiate and preach.