Student Teachers Contribute to the Empowerment of Women Programme in the Holy Land
Student teachers at the Church of Ireland College of Education, now the Church of Ireland Centre in DCU, have made a donation to the Empowerment of Women Project in the Diocese of Jerusalem. Director of the centre, the Revd Dr Anne Lodge, presented the contribution from the students to Archbishop Suheil Dawani on Monday evening (December 5).

The donation came about as a result of the United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough’s link withj the Diocese of Jerusalem. Dr Lodge commented: “The vast majority of our students are female and this has been the case for many years. Issues of gender equality and care for the marginalised have been a very important part of our work in the College with our undergraduate and post–graduate students”.
She spoke of the recent incorporation of CICE into Dublin City University as the Church of Ireland Centre. “Social justice, inclusion and respect for diversity were and are really important values that underpin all that we did in CICE and all that we now do in the Church of Ireland Centre in DCU. The Church of Ireland Centre continues to have a core role in the preparation of teachers to work in primary schools under Church of Ireland, Methodist, Presbyterian and Society of Friends patronage throughout the State. Our relationship with these schools is just as important to us as it always was in the College. Our connection with our students and our graduates remains very precious to us. Our history and our values continue to be something in which we have a great sense of pride,” Dr Lodge stated.
The Diocese of Jerusalem’s Empowerment of Women Programme is spearheaded by Mrs Shafeeqa Dawani, the Archbishop’s wife, along with a number of others to empower women of the diocese and the wider community.
You can read Dr Lodge’s presentation here.
Photo caption – The Revd Dr Anne Lodge making the presentation on behalf of the students of the Church of Ireland Centre at DCU. Also pictured are Philip McKinley, Archbishop Michael Jackson and Archbishop Suheil Dawani.