Come&C Greystones – Time of Reflection and Looking to the Future
The next Come&C Songs of Praise Service takes place in Temple Carrig School in Greystones on Sunday February 5 at 5.00 pm. The focus of this service will be a reflection on Come&C and the Five Marks of Mission. Everyone is welcome to come and join this informal, interactive service which is one of a series of Songs of Praise type events to have taken place around Dublin and Glendalough during the past year of Come&C.

Services have taken place in a number of different locations and each one has highlighted one of the Five Marks of Mission of the Anglican Communion while also bearing the hallmark of the host location. The first service took place in Castleknock Community College. Then in St Maelruain’s Church in Tallaght in February, the theme of the service was ‘To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom’ based on the first Mark of Mission of the Anglican Communion. In March a Come&C service took place in the Church of St John the Baptist in Clontarf where the theme was ‘To teach, baptise and nurture new believers’.In April the Inter Faith Centre at Dublin City University hosted the service where third level chaplains examined the theme ‘To respond to human need by loving service’. In May the service moved to Christ Church, Dun Laoghaire, where the theme was ‘To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation’ based on the fourth Mark of Mission.
During Come&C Greystones, Curate at St Patrick’s Church and Chaplain of Temple Carrig, the Revd Alan Breen and others will lead us in a time of reflection from the previous Come&C services and events and we’ll look to our hopes and dreams for the future through the lens of all we have learnt.
Please join us for a time of created hope, challenge and inspiration. Spread the word and Come&C.