‘Prepare a Place’ Solar Panels Installed at Gaza Hospital

Solar panels funded by a Dublin & Glendalough diocesan appeal have been installed at Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza. The funds were raised through collections and events held in parishes, schools and organisations throughout the United Dioceses as part of the ‘Prepare a Place’ campaign in Advent 2014. The solar panels are now up and running and already are having a positive effect for staff and patients of the hospital which is run by our partner diocese in Jerusalem.
The solar panels were installed on the roof of Al Ahli Hospital during November 2016. The Batteries were installed in April 2017 and installation works were completed by 18 April 2017. There were delays in receiving the solar cell panels and the batteries due to the new Israeli regulations on goods imported to Gaza.
Gaza continues to suffer from severe power disruptions which have a serious impact on the delivery of the basic hospital services, undermining already vulnerable livelihoods and living conditions.
Al Ahli Hospital relies heavily on backup generators. However, the operation of generators is constantly at risk due to funding shortages, lack of imported fuel, overuse of the generators and difficulties in obtaining spare parts due to import restrictions.
Now the energy needs of Al Ahli Hospital’s operating theatre Number 2 and the delivery room have been secured during daytime. The system is providing the department with power at night when there is power failure ensuring energy security in all circumstances. This also saves money on electricity bills, fuel consumption and is a non–pollutant energy generator.
Al Ahli Hospital staff and more than 3,500 patients served by Al Ahli Hospital are the beneficiaries of this programme. In addition, the installation of the system provided an important opportunity for work for 50 local labourers.

“Ahli management, staff and the patients we serve are very grateful for the generous support to Ahli solar cell energy system that will assure continuity of Ahli work during the long outages of electricity daily without any interruption,” the hospital’s director, Suhaila Tarazi said in a report to Dublin & Glendalough’s Council for Mission who helped coordinate the Prepare a Place appeal.
“We wish to thank all contributors, inside and outside the United Dioceses, for the generosity shown to this worthy project. We rejoice with those associated with the life of the hospital and pray for their wellbeing in what remains troubled and challenging times for all the residents of Gaza,” a spokesperson for the Council for Mission said.