Reading the Bible With Fuel – A New Bible Reading Resource for Young People
The Church of Ireland Youth Department’s new resource,
Fuel, seeks to help young people to read the Bible regularly over
Lent. The booklet includes a reading plan for John’s Gospel and a
50–page journal.
Fuel is free and copies are available from the CIYD offices in
Belfast (028 9082 8890) and Dublin (01 497 8422), and from diocesan
youth officers and youth council representatives. Orders can also be
placed by email at
Fuel contains questions to help young people engage with what they are reading, and to think about what the Bible is saying and teaching. Space is also provided for writing down notes, prayers and thoughts. The journal runs to 50 days to encourage readers to continue with the habits which they have started over Lent.
National Youth Officer Simon Henry said: “From my own experience as a former youth worker in a parish for 10 years, I have seen the impact of encouraging regular Bible reading habits. I often said to young people: ‘If you want to hear from God, open your Bible because he speaks to us on every page.’”