Liturgical Seminar for Dublin & Glendalough Clergy
A Liturgical Seminar for the clergy of Dublin & Glendalough will take place on Tuesday next, May 1, in the Church of Ireland Centre, All Hallows College.
The seminar has been organised by the Revd Alan Rufli, Diocesan Liturgical Officer, and Archdeacon Ricky Rountree, a member of the Liturgical Advisory Committee. They will look at areas of importance in liturgical life and give guidance on the structure and areas of freedom and flexibility of the Holy Communion Service and on the appropriate use of the funeral liturgy.
They will also provide information on the new Morning and Evening Prayer for use on Sundays which is being brought to General Synod this year as a Bill and if passed will be included in the new edition of the Book of Common Prayer. A preview of the new Church of Ireland Daily Prayer App will be shown. The app is due to be launched at General Synod in May.
The seminar will begin at 10am with arrival and coffee followed by Daily Office at 10.30am. The seminar will end at 3pm.
All clergy are welcome to attend this event but must register with the Archbishop’s Office – archdublinoffice@gmail.com – immediately to ensure accurate numbers for facilities and catering can be provided.
10.00am Arrival & Coffee
10.30am Daily Office
10.45am Session 1:
. a: Holy Communion – Structure & freedom – Resources
. b: Funeral Services
. c: Daily Prayer APP
12.30pm LUNCH
1.30pm Session 2:
. a: BCP new edition & related publications
. b: Morning & Evening Prayer for use on Sundays
2.30pm Closing worship
3.00pm Depart