Liturgy the Focus for Dublin & Glendalough Clergy Seminar
Clergy from all over Dublin & Glendalough gathered at DCU’s All Hallows Campus on Tuesday (May 1) to take part in a liturgical seminar. Organised by the Revd Alan Rufli, Diocesan Liturgical Officer, and Archdeacon Ricky Rountree, a member of the Liturgical Advisory Committee, the seminar gave guidance on the structure and areas of flexibility of liturgy.
The main focus was on Services of Holy Communion and Funerals. Participants also looked at the new Morning and Evening Prayer for use on Sundays, the new Book of Common Prayer and the new Church of Ireland Daily Prayer App, a preview of which was used to say the Daily Office.
Archdeacon Rountree said that the structure of liturgy and the mandatory elements are important as people coming to Church of Ireland worship are entitled to experience an identifiable service. The Church of Ireland is particularly identified by the celebration of the Eucharist, he said.
The Archdeacon conceded that the church has moved a long way from the instruction that clergy ‘shall use the services in the said book prescribed [BCP] and none other’. However, he said that a balance needed to be struck between that and the other end of the scale where everything was up for explosion. He brought clergy through the service of Holy Communion and explained the structure, mandatory elements and points and area where there was room for flexibility.
When it comes to funeral services, the Archdeacon said services should be carried out according to the Book of Common Prayer. The service sheet should contain everything the congregation needed to know he said adding that this could not be achieved on two sides of an A4 sheet. A template for a funeral service is available on the Dublin & Glendalough website. There are also guidelines for conducting funeral services. They can be found at: www.dublin.anglican.org/prayer-worship/liturgy-music