National Bible Society of Ireland Appoints New Development Officer
Julia McKinley has been appointed to the role of Development Officer for the National Bible Society of Ireland (NBSI).
Julia was commissioned for the role at a special service in St Ann’s Church, Dawson Street, by the Vicar, Canon David Gillespie.
A number of organisations were represented at the service including the Irish School of Ecumenics, the Irish Council of Churches, Christian Aid, Tearfund, the Irish Bible Institute, Dublin City University and Asset Ireland.
The NBSI has global as well as local links in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The United Bible Societies are a historical network of biblical societies which traditionally focus on bible translation and making the the biblical texts accessible and available to all, and have a range of exciting current national and international projects. See unitedbiblesocieties.org.
Julia’s role primarily will involve collaborating with other biblically based organisations, partnering with the Bible Society in Norther Ireland on all–Ireland projects, and facilitating group engagement with Scripture at local and national levels. You can reach the NBSI at Julia@nbsi.ie or 087–3844990.