
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



‘Built together’ – Jerusalem Diocesan Majma Continues in Jordan

Archbishop Michael Jackson is in Jordan attending the Majma (Synod) of our link dioceses, the Diocese of Jerusalem, at the invitation of Archbishop Hosam Naoum. Here he reports on the Majma’s second day.
‘Built together’ – Jerusalem Diocesan Majma Continues in Jordan - Archbishop Michael Jackson is in Jordan attending the Majma (Synod) of our link dioceses, the Diocese of Jerusalem, at the invitation of Archbishop Hosam Naoum. Here he reports on the Majma’s second day.
Archbishop Hosam with the women’s empowerment group.


The Majma (Synod) continued on its second day of business. It started with a celebration of Holy Communion continuing to explore the theme: Built Together, through Scripture and preaching. The Minister for Culture in The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Dr Haifa Najjar, herself an Anglican and a former Member of The Majma, addressed the gathering and led into a presentation on Women and Leadership in Church and Society. This presentation was made by a number of women who are involved in the life of parishes and communities across all the five countries that form the territory of the diocese. It is part of an on–going exploration of the role women already play in the life of parishes and diocese and what future roles they might play. The Archbishop encouraged Members to consider three Scriptural texts before the next Majma on the relationships between men and women: Genesis 1.27; Galatians 3.28; St Mark 9.14.  

Ms Nour Nansour, a delegate from All Saints’ Church, Damascus in Syria, also addressed The Majma. She told of the work of the parish and its people in a country torn apart by war and violence yet filled with humanity and hope. The parish welcomes not only local Anglicans in Damascus but also internally displaced persons from across Syria and Iraq together with Sudanese refugees. Ms Masour is a lawyer who holds further qualifications in theology and she is currently studying journalism.

There followed a second workshop on Strategic Planning and Value Proposition relating in particular to the Diocesan Institutions, taking for example The Guest House of St George’s Cathedral in Jerusalem. The analysis brought together cost leadership analysis and excellence differentiation perspectives as the diocese plots its way forward working towards self–sufficiency in many aspects of its life.

The afternoon session received The Diocesan Secretary’s Report along with The Property Report for Jordan and for Israel/Palestine. This gave the up–to–date position on a range of church buildings and institutions for which The Majma has care and responsibility. The day’s business ended with Evening Prayer.


Ms Nour Nansour with Archbishop Jackson.
Ms Nour Nansour with Archbishop Jackson.
Dr Haifa Najjar with Archbishop Hosam
Dr Haifa Najjar with Archbishop Hosam



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