
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Rathmichael Parishioners Commissioned for Work in Kenya

A gofundme page has been set up to support the refurbishment project.
Rathmichael Parishioners Commissioned for Work in Kenya - A gofundme page has been set up to support the refurbishment project.
Some of the members of the team from Rathmichael Parish that will travel to the Parish of Wandeche in Kenya with Archbishop Michael Jackson who commissioned them.

A team of 12 people from Rathmichael Parish in Dublin is preparing to travel to Western Kenya at the end of August. The trip is part of a developing link between Rathmichael and Wandeche Primary School in the Diocese of Maseno North in Kenya. During their 10 day visit the team will refurbish the school and enhance the education environment for both students and teachers.

The team, which is led by the Rector, the Revd Sean Hanily, was commissioned by Archbishop Michael Jackson during a special service in Rathmichael last Thursday evening (July 27). In his sermon the Archbishop said that the team was being commissioned for the work of God.

“This work will take them to the Diocese of Maseno North in Kenya. This work will connect two parts of the Anglican Communion in ways of which we might only have dreamed. For my part, I have The Lambeth Conference 2022, which began yesterday one year ago, to thank for getting to know Bishop Charles who will welcome those who come from this diocese to his diocese. I also have Mr Geoffrey Perrin to thank because he took up the vision of a partnership such as this when I suggested it to him, coming out of Lambeth 2022. I also have all of you, not least the rector the Reverend Sean Hanily, to thank for taking the next steps to implement this vision. In worship and in prayer and hope, we commission them all this evening in their parish church of Rathmichael for a service of God that will be transformative of their lives and of the lives of those they meet on their return. It will also transform the lives of those with whom they partner in Maseno North. We wish them well and we live in hope,” he stated.

The team are Sean Hanily, Geoffrey Perrin, Fiona Ashe, Ben Allison, Anthony Perrin, Aine Halligan, Robert Gallagher, Peter Harty, Jan Ovington, Peadar Bruton, Aidan Reilly and Simon O’Connor.

The plan to refurbish Wandeche Primary School follows a visit to the Parish of Wandeche in March when the Revd Sean Hanily and Geoffrey Perrin assessed what needed to be done.

“We found a community of students and teachers who strive to do their very best in education to help the next generation of young people educate themselves and build brighter futures; but they truly struggle with what they have currently,” Sean said. “It was an emotional trip and has left a lasting impact. I am very excited to be returning for 10 days with our team to carry out the main refurbishment of the school and enhance the educational environment for these young people. It is the first stage of a five–year link between our home parish and the school in Kenya.”

The parish has a GoFundMe page to raise the necessary funds for the refurbishment project. All donations no matter how big or small will be very welcome.


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