
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Grateful, Inspired, Excited and Ready – The Revd Scott Evans Looks Forward to Ordination

The Revd Scott Evans will be ordained to the Priesthood in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, on Sunday September 24 at 3.30pm along with the Revd Jane Burns. Archbishop Michael Jackson will preside and the preacher will be the Revd David White. All are welcome to attend. Here, Scott writes about his training, his time as Intern Deacon in Kilternan and looks forward to continuing his journey as he serves his Curacy with Holy Trinity Rathmines.
Grateful, Inspired, Excited and Ready – The Revd Scott Evans Looks Forward to Ordination - The Revd Scott Evans will be ordained to the Priesthood in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, on Sunday September 24 at 3.30pm along with the Revd Jane Burns. Archbishop Michael Jackson will preside and the preacher will be the Revd David White. All are welcome to attend. Here, Scott writes about his training, his time as Intern Deacon in Kilternan and looks forward to continuing his journey as he serves his Curacy with Holy Trinity Rathmines.
The Revd Scott Evans.

I’m not sure that any one season of my life has held as much change as this season of transition from being a deacon to being a curate. I have moved house, moved from being a father of one to a father of two and, in the next few days, the focus of my ministry will move from my ministry as a chaplain in a university to being a curate in a parish. As I turn the page into this new chapter, I feel a lot of things. 

Firstly, I feel incredibly grateful. Being able to spend the last few years studying in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute has been a huge privilege and I’m so thankful for everything I have learned both in the classroom and in the community of amazing people who study and teach there. It wasn’t an easy road but I’m so grateful to have been stretched so thoroughly by the process. 

Secondly, I feel inspired by all those that I have had the chance to learn from practically, particularly Canon Gillian Wharton, the Revd Jack Kinkead, the Revd Ken Rue and the Revd Alan Breen who were willing to put up with me on placements and the long–suffering Revd Rob Clements who was willing to take me on as a deacon. I learned so much about leadership, liturgy and service from each person and each context, particularly in Kilternan where I had the chance to be exposed to such a wide range of ministry for an entire year. Each parish is so proactive in responding to the needs of its people and does so with creativity and passion. It was a joy to watch and I felt like it gave me permission to learn to do the same as I journey towards curacy. 

Thirdly, I am excited. This next chapter includes the best of both worlds as I will continue in university chaplaincy part time while also serving in Holy Trinity Rathmines. In doing so, I have the privilege of helping our parish to be a place where university students and young adults can find a home in a place that has had such a transformative impact on my family, my calling and my own journey.

Finally, I feel ready. I do not feel like I know everything I need to know. I definitely do not feel that I am the finished product. But I feel ready — ready to learn …  ready to get going … ready to open a new chapter and serve in a new way. I feel ready to have a deeper understanding of Paul’s prayer in Ephesians when he describes the God who calls us as the one ‘who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.’ In the midst of so much uncertainty and change, I have faith in a humbling truth that will never change: God is always on the move bringing about his will in the world and, despite all our insecurities and excuses, he’s inviting us to join him. 


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