
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Stepping Out in Faith – the Revd Jane Burns Looks Forward to Ordination

The Revd Jane Burns will be ordained to the Priesthood in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, on Sunday September 24 at 3.30pm along with the Revd Scott Evans. Archbishop Michael Jackson will preside and the preacher will be the Revd David White. All are welcome to attend. Here, Jane writes about her training, her time as Intern Deacon with Taney and St Nahi’s and looks forward to continuing that journey as she serves her Curacy in the same parish.
Stepping Out in Faith – the Revd Jane Burns Looks Forward to Ordination - 

The Revd Jane Burns will be ordained to the Priesthood in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, on Sunday September 24 at 3.30pm along with the Revd Scott Evans. Archbishop Michael Jackson will preside and the preacher will be the Revd David White. All are welcome to attend. Here, Jane writes about her training, her time as Intern Deacon with Taney and St Nahi’s and looks forward to continuing that journey as she serves her Curacy in the same parish.
The Revd Jane Burns.

“Back to school” time is now upon us and I find myself reflecting on my time as a Deacon and looking forward in anticipation to my Ordination to the Priesthood and my Curacy in Taney and St Nahi’s. As I write, I am still at home in Athy packing, it’s no small task as we’ve lived in our home for 24 years. I have appreciated having time off this summer to reflect on my journey towards fulltime ministry and to return to my roots and worship in my home parish of Athy. As a family, we’re now preparing to leave our rural roots and move to the city. No doubt, we will bring a little bit of our countryside context to our new home in Dundrum. Dermot, Jamie, Ellen and Kate are all looking forward to becoming integrated into Taney Parish.

The warmth of the welcome and the hospitality that my family and I received from the parishioners in Taney and St Nahi’s during my time as Deacon is something we all deeply appreciated.  It was a time of immense personal growth. I was continually reminded that in the power of the Holy Spirit we are enabled to do abundantly more than we could ever imagine (Eph 3:20). I learned so much about day–to–day parish ministry, alongside liturgical preparation and leadership under the encouraging guidance of the Revd Nigel Pierpoint. I was blessed in the encounters that I had in Baptisms, Confirmation Classes, Weddings and Funerals alongside school assemblies and the privilege of pastoral visits. I will always be grateful to Rev Nigel and the ministry team, the parishioners and the many others I encountered for their generous support and encouragement. My hope is that I encouraged them, as much as they encouraged me, as we walked our journey of faith together.  My desire was and continues to be in the words of St Paul to; ‘… rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who are weeping.’  (Romans 12:15). I was truly blessed to have a deeply fulfilling experience as a Deacon.

I now find myself having completed my training and preparing for Ordination to the Priesthood on Sunday 24 September. I know it will be a very emotional day for me and all of my family as I continue to step out in faith. I look forward to sharing this occasion with family and friends from both Taney Parish and Athy Union. Following my Ordination, I will begin my Curacy in Taney Parish. I am looking forward to becoming fully integrated into the Ministry Team under the leadership of Rev Nigel. I see this Curacy as a wonderful opportunity to continue my training in sacramental ministry and mission in a hospitable and vibrant parish. I look forward to journeying with parishioners and those in the local community on our pilgrimage of faith as we seek to grow in our relationship with God, following Christ’s commandment to love God and our neighbour. I pray and ask for your prayers that in God’s grace, I will be enabled to serve all those I encounter to the best of my ability and I look forward to seeing what God has in store for me in Taney Parish.


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