
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Living the Eucharistic Life in Secular Society – Day Four of the Porvoo Consultation

Archbishop Michael Jackson is Anglican co–chair of the Porvoo Communion’s Contact Group. The group is currently meeting in Madrid considering the theme of Life in the Eucharist. Here the Archbishop reports from the fourth day of their meeting.
Living the Eucharistic Life in Secular Society – Day Four of the Porvoo Consultation - Archbishop Michael Jackson is Anglican co–chair of the Porvoo Communion’s Contact Group. The group is currently meeting in Madrid considering the theme of Life in the Eucharist. Here the Archbishop reports from the fourth day of their meeting.
Archbishop Michael Jackson presented gifts from Dublin and Glendalough to the bishops of Spain and Portugal, both friends of our dioceses.

The fourth day of the Porvoo Consultation considered perspectives on living a Eucharistic life in local contexts in secular society. The papers came from Portugal, Estonia, Scotland and Finland.

One of the key moments was when we were encouraged to develop a sacramental gaze, meaning a perspective on both the world and the church that enables us to discern God’s presence in the people and the life around us.

In this way a developing sacramentality makes it possible for those who are lay people to facilitate clergy to discern sacramental life in what is happening around them and in those whom they meet in daily life. Sacramental sensibility encourages engaged discipleship and community participation thus strengthening the recognition that we are the body of Christ with responsibilities in the body of the world.

The afternoon consisted of a pilgrimage to Toledo where we met the archbishop of Toledo. We received his blessing and he ours in an intensely moving and unscripted moment of spiritual interchange. We also had an unforgettable tour of Toledo Cathedral.

The Porvoo Consultation participants.
The Porvoo Consultation participants.


Toledo Cathedral.
Toledo Cathedral.
With the Archbishop of Toledo.
With the Archbishop of Toledo.

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