
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



‘Exited and humbled to be returning as a newly ordained priest’ – Meet the New Curate of St Bartholomew’s

The Revd Dr Mathew McCauley was ordained to the Priesthood in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, on Sunday 23 June 2024 by Archbishop Michael Jackson. Here, he writes about his experience as an Intern Deacon in St Matthew’s Irishtown and his hopes for his Curacy in St Bartholomew’s, Clyde Road.
‘Exited and humbled to be returning as a newly ordained priest’ – Meet the New Curate of St Bartholomew’s - The Revd Dr Mathew McCauley was ordained to the Priesthood in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, on Sunday 23 June 2024 by Archbishop Michael Jackson. Here, he writes about his experience as an Intern Deacon in St Matthew’s Irishtown and his hopes for his Curacy in St Bartholomew’s, Clyde Road.
The Revd Dr Mathew McCauley with the Rector of St Bartholomew’s Church, Clyde Road, Canon Andrew McCroskery.

“And so, we know and rely on the love God has for all of us. God is love. Whoever lives in love, lives in God, and God in them.” 1 John (4:16)

The love and holiness of God is at the heart of my calling to the priesthood, a call which began as a teenager. Although I went on to pursue a career in psychology, academia, and military healthcare, my faith never left me. I eventually responded to God’s calling, completing five years of formation and training, and I was ordained to the holy priesthood last month. Through this humbling honour, I am reminded of the words from Isaiah (6:8), ‘Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me.”’

Prior to my ordination, I was blessed to have served my diaconate internship at St Matthew’s Church, Irishtown. I am extremely grateful for the incredible support and prayers of the rector, the Revd Canon Leonard Ruddock and the congregation. The experience allowed me to engage with the diverse and dynamic life of a vibrant parish. Over the past year, I grew in my understanding and abilities concerning liturgical worship, whilst assisting and leading a range of services. This included preparing and delivering homilies, along with planning and participating in formal and informal worship.

In addition, I contributed as a cleric to various ecumenical and community events. Canon Ruddock also supported my involvement in baptisms, funerals, confirmation classes, parish school events, pastoral visits to residential nursing facilities, home Eucharist services, and select vestry meetings. It was furthermore a great honour to represent the parish as a homilist at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. St Matthew’s will always hold a special place in my heart, and I will keep the rector and congregation in my prayers.

It is now an immense pleasure to join the Revd Canon Andrew McCroskery as a member of the ministerial team at St Bartholomew’s Church, Ballsbridge. I was privileged to have completed one of my ordinand placements at this parish and I have since undertaken my MTh dissertation research on the liturgical tradition associated with St Bartholomew’s. I am excited and humbled to be returning as a newly ordained priest and my curacy will be a time of further formation. I look forward to growing in my sacramental ministry as a servant leader, whilst accompanying the congregation in their faith journey, with and in Christ.

Thus, with the grace of God and your prayers, I seek to serve the congregation at St Bartholomew’s and advance the Kingdom of God in love and faith, mindful of the words of the late Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Michael Ramsey: ‘Today the ordained priest is called to reflect the priesthood of Christ and to serve the priesthood of all the people of God, and to be one of the means of grace whereby God enables the Church to be the Church.’


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