
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Building Hope in Cambodia – Dublin Parish’s Mission Project

 Building Hope in Cambodia – Dublin Parish’s Mission Project
Some of the members of the mission team from Castleknock and Mulhuddart with Clonsilla were were commissioned by Archbishop Michael Jackson yesterday pictured with the Archbishop, the Revd Natasha Quinn–Thomas and Stella Obe.

Fourteen members of the Parish of Castleknock and Mulhudart with Clonsilla will travel to Cambodia at the end of September to help build a new home for a family living in poverty. Working alongside builders from Habitat for Humanity in Cambodia, their mission is a partnership between Habitat, the parish and the family in Phnom Penh.

The parishioners fly out on September 27 for 12 days. Alongside the build they will visit Habitat projects in Cambodia to build a greater understanding of their work and their mission that every person deserves a safe home to live in.

Yesterday morning (Sunday September 15), Archbishop Michael Jackson commissioned the team for their mission during a special service in Castleknock. The team is made up of the Revd Colin and Janice McConaghie, George and Helen Chambers, Gordon and Muriel Kellett, Alex and Ann Kitching, Olive Good, Pamela Holmes, Ada Lawson, Valerie Dobson, Eddie Colton and Ciaran Moore.

“Having a safe place to live transforms lives and we as a parish will continue to work alongside Habitat for Humanity in Ireland and overseas to work towards a world where everyone has a safe place to live,” the Revd Colin McConaghie, explained. The parish has been fundraising towards the cost of the build and the Rector added: “While the team is made up of 14 people, this mission trip is a representation of us as a parish in our call to bring God’s love to all. Thank you to all who have supported the team through the Buy A Brick Campaign. The campaign comes to a close on Sunday 15th September, although donations will still be accepted beyond that date for the build”.

Anyone who would like to join in supporting the build, can buy a brick through the Rector or any member of the team or online at

Preaching at the service, Archbishop Jackson commended those who were departing on the mission and those who have supported it. “Your MISSION to Cambodia is a mission for us all. I say this because it is a people to people mission; it is a house to house mission; it is a habitat to habitat mission. Those of you who are commissioned today and will go on this mission will be transformed by hope and by humility in ways you cannot foresee. As the archbishop of the diocese, I am delighted with this heartfelt initiative on the part of these three parishes of Castleknock and Mulhuddart with Clonsilla,” he commented.

He continued: “A home is something we used all to be able to take for granted. From our earliest days, it simply was there. We enjoyed it. We appreciated it. But we never really thought about it seriously because many of us were so fortunate never really to have to do so. Everything is very different now at home and abroad. Up to 20 million people are perpetually on the move and homeless annually across the world and this does not include those who are homeless in their own country. It is often those who are needy but seem able to cope who get forgotten. Your initiative recognizes this and draws two families of people together across the world – East and West, North and South”.

You can read the Archbishop’s sermon in full here.

The parishioners and Habitat are working with Sreymao, a 43 year old factory, in Trapang Anhchanh 4 village in Porsenchey District, Phnom Penh. She works in a rice factory and earns about $200 per month to support her family of seven members. Her husband, Kosal, used to work as a security guard in Phnom Penh. Kosal has been dealing with declining health for over 10 years, leading to mental disability. Sreymao remains resilient, striving to ensure her family has enough food and a place to stay, especially for her grandchildren.

Sreymao’s family is one of the 200 families affected by the railway rehabilitation project in the Khan Russei Keo district of the capital in 2011. They accepted the government’s offer of a seven metre by 15 metre land plot in Sangkat Trapaing Krasang of Khan Porsenchey. Upon their arrival in Sangkat Trapaing Krasang, they commenced the construction of their house using wood and an old zinc roof from their previous dwelling.

Sreymao’s family encounters various challenges during rainy weather, including a leaking roof, damp walls, and wet belongings and clothes. Furthermore, the house experiences instability during windstorms, prompting her to seek refuge for her young children in the neighbour’s house for safety. The close proximity of the house to the ground restricts airflow and contributes to discomfort during the summer, as high indoor temperatures make resting and sleeping difficult. Sreymao also fears flooding during heavy rain.

She was thrilled to learn that Habitat for Humanity in Cambodia will build a new brick house for her family. She said that a home is everything for their family, especially for her children and grandchildren. “A brick house is a symbol of a strong foundation for our family. It’s a place where we can rest after work and have a secure and dry place to sleep, and keep our belongings safe when it rains,” said Sreymao.

She is overjoyed to find out that a team of Irish volunteers will be constructing her new house and is looking forward to meeting and welcoming all the volunteers.

Cambodia is home to 15 million people. More than 2.5 million of these live below the poverty line. The country is emerging from decades of conflict and inequalities still persist.

Habitat Cambodia works across the country to develop sustainable communities with decent housing, and water, sanitation and electricity access. Training promotes gender equality, income generation and appropriate responses to HIV/AIDS and vulnerable groups. 


Sreymao with her grandchild  Sreynich and her daughter Sreyneath, with Kosal, her husband, in the white t-shirt - photo Habitat for Humanity.
Sreymao with her grandchild Sreynich and her daughter Sreyneath, with Kosal, her husband, in the white t-shirt - photo Habitat for Humanity.

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