
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Rathmichael Parishioner Appointed Lay Canon of Armagh

Rathmichael Parishioner Appointed Lay Canon of Armagh
Canon Geoffrey Perrin.

The Archbishop of Armagh has announced the appointment of Rathmichael parishioner Geoffrey Perrin as a Lay Canon of Armagh. Archbishop John McDowell made the announcement yesterday (Sunday September 22).

Mr Perrin succeeds to the stall formerly occupied by the late Canon C Garrett Walker. Armagh Cathedral has six Lay Canons – the first were appointed in 1997 and Mr Perrin will be the 13th to take up office.

News of the appointment has been welcomed by the Archbishop of Dublin. Archbishop Michael Jackson said: “Members of the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough will wish to express their delight for Canon Geoffrey Perrin following the announcement of his forthcoming installation in St Patrick’s Cathedral Armagh and to offer him congratulations”. “As a child of the Northern Province of the Church of Ireland this will be a special delight to Canon Perrin and will be hailed as such by many both near and far. I have every confidence that the United Dioceses will join me in wishing Canon Perrin everything that is best as he begins to invest his undisputed energy in the future direction of Armagh Cathedral and its strategic contribution to the Church of Ireland in the life of its Northern Province,” he added.

The Dean of Armagh, the Very Revd Shane Forster said Canon Perrin, along with two new clerical Canons, the Revd Andrew Totten OBE and the Revd Gary McMurray, could be assured of a warm welcome on the Hill of Armagh. He added: “Geoffrey Perrin served the Representative Church Body with distinction over many years, and I am delighted that he is being honoured by the Archbishop for his work”. A date for his installation will be announced in due course.


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