
United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough



Archbishops Call for Prayer for Ceasefire

Archbishop John McDowell and Archbishop Michael Jackson have encouraged members of the Church of Ireland to pray this Sunday (29th September) and into next week, for an immediate end to hostilities in the Middle East:

‘Following this weekend’s escalation of conflict in the Middle East, we continue to hold all of the communities affected in our prayers and call on the leaders in those countries to make fresh efforts to establish an immediate ceasefire for the preservation of life, and to work for the restoration of peace.’

A prayer of the Eastern Church, which is found in the Book of Common Prayer (on page 151), may be helpful as part of intercessions at this time:

Be mindful, O Lord, of thy people present here before thee, and of those who are absent through age, sickness, or infirmity.

Care for the infants, guide the young, support the aged, encourage the faint–hearted, collect the scattered, and bring back the wandering to thy fold.

Travel with the voyagers, defend the widows, shield the orphans, deliver the captives, heal the sick. Succour all who are in tribulation, necessity, or distress.

Remember for good all those that love us, and those that hate us, and those that have desired us, unworthy as we are, to pray for them. And those whom we have forgotten, do thou, O Lord, remember.

For thou art the helper of the helpless, the saviour of the lost, the refuge of the wanderer, the healer of the sick. Thou, who knowest the need of each one, and hast heard their prayer, grant unto each according to thy merciful loving–kindness, and thy eternal love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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