Christ Church Cathedral, Christchurch Place, Dublin
Every Sunday at 11am
Cathedral Eucharist
Every Day at 10am
Morning Prayer
Every Day at 12:45pm
Every Monday at 5pm
Evening Prayer
Every Tuesday at 5pm
Evening Prayer
Every Wednesday at 5pm
Evening Prayer
Every Thursday at 6pm
Choral Evensong
Every Friday at 5pm
Evening Prayer
Every Saturday at 5pm
Evening Prayer
Christ Church is the diocesan cathedral for Dublin and Glendalough and metropolitan cathedral for the southern province of the Church of Ireland.
Founded around 1030 by a Hiberno-Norse king, Sitriuc, following a pilgrimage to Rome, it was first staffed by Benedictines and later under the auspices of Archbishop St Laurence O’Toole, by Augustinian canons, who remained at, the cathedral priory until the Reformation. The cathedral became the de-facto chapel royal for the lord deputy and his entourage for some time after this, and from 1608-1789 also housed the Four Courts in the old monastic buildings. It has experienced numerous restorations, notably in the late seventeenth century after the Restoration of Charles II, and then two neo-Gothic restorations in the nineteenth century, the more lasting of which was by G.E. Street in the 1870s shortly after the Disestablishment of the Church of Ireland. Today the cathedral is a living centre of worship with a thriving liturgical and musical tradition with cathedral choirs of both adults and girls, as well as an organ of international repute. As the oldest structure in Dublin, it is a must-see for tourists and pilgrims alike, and all are most welcome.